Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hippy Fuel-Pt. 1

Just barely having started this up, I introduce to you our first feature.

Hippy Fuel

or aka What Is Sergio Cooking Up Today

I am not quite a chef. I lack the discipline to follow an exact recipe, build a dish to exact standards. But I can take an idea, and remake it in my own style. Typical artistic temperament, I know. Having not eaten meat for about a year, I try to create dishes that will go beyond substitution and trickery. Ones that do more than try to compensate for their lack of juicy steak.

Instead, I end up building around vegetables, herbs, and magical mystery sauces I find or make. City by the sea has plenty of veggies like me, and it's easy to get a reputation as a hippy for it. Oh well, I embrace it. Yes, I don't eat meat. No, I don't care if you do. Yes, I have communed with the forest spirits. No, they haven't been avoiding you, they've just been busy with the new job.

Here's what I ate today-------

 --------Habanero Tofu Scramble, with mixed greens and Pasta Pomodoro--------
A little heat for the browned tofu from our homemade salsa de las brujas (made with help from a real witch). Coupled with a little greens for health, and pasta pomodoro- a fav of mine, garlic, basil and fresh tomato all sizzled together. 

So what do you think? Would you nom it?

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